Personal help/maid affordability - a social indicator?

Reflects the state of the society?

One of the major difference between developed and developing nation is the way we treat the labours. Usually when a nation grows it concentrates on creating wealth. The wealth, once gets generated it tends to flock together and the rich gets super rich at the cost of vulnerable populous. Once this gap gets too large, the society becomes unstable.

Flow of Wealth

The struggle between the haves and have-nots are the root cause of most of the civil unrest, gradually turning into civil war, if the gap is left unchecked.

Wealth gap in Regulated vs. Unregulated society

How this gap is controlled? - Regulation

Usually the goverment comes up with regulations. The good ones listen to the researchers and bad ones learn from experience. But if the country wants to jump into developed nation category, regulation and wealth distribution is key to-do item.

What does the regulation do? - Normalization

The government bodies increases the minimal wages to fecilitate flow of wealth from rich to not-so-rich people. This also shows that the rulers are indeed care for the poor people, resulting in calming the nerves and bringing back the peace at the expense of wealthy people.

How is this related to maid/servants?

Historically, the noble families, wealthy traders and royal family used to have maids/servants to do their day-to-day chores.

The peak exploitation resulted in the slavery, the wealthy lot claims to be their right to get the work done from the poors without proper care or compensation.

In modern day, the slavery is abolished and its illegal across the globe. But, personal servants or maids is still prevalent in most of the countries, especially among the developing nations.

The cost of hiring servants is a very good indicator.

  1. it’s higher if the wealth gap is minimal.
  2. also when the whole country becomes older, it tough to get the servants
  3. the Governemnt bodies set minimal wages and enforce social equality.

Conversely, if its easier to hire a maid, it might be

  1. there are more unemployed(or uneducated) crowd
  2. the Governement is keen on wealth generation and yet not ready for wealth distribution
  3. Wealth gap is visible and it tends to grow wider.

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