Fight against Climate Change is not getting traction - Why?

We all know the Climate change is real and happening now. This is a threat to the Human species. Yes, it’s a threat to the species not the entire planet. Why not we as a species cannot survive this? The nature will adapt to the changes. But, the new earth will no way close to the one we have now. Also, we got deviated from the natural evolution. Our life became sophisticated, without the necessary infrastructure we will kill ourself in the name of depression. So, we have to fight the Climatic changes.

What have we have done till now?

Through UN, we had treaties to combat the catastrophe.

       1987 - Montreal Protocol        1992 - UN Framework Convention on Climate Change        1997 - Kyoto Protocol        2016 - Paris Agreement

The treaties specifies the amount of GHG to be reduced within a defined timeline.

Has the target of above agreements reached?

No. The target is not reached. Instead, we have more number of people questioning the authenticity of impending climate apocalypse.

After 32 years, its been found out the Ozone depleting gases are still releases by Chinese industrial provinces. It’s naive to think the emission is from rogue elements, as nothing happens in China without their governement’s knowledge.

Since, early 2010s there has been a steep raise in science deniers. Vaccination and Climate Change are the major point of contention. After it was announced eradicated, there are outbreaks of Measles in the developed countries. On the backing of Climate Change deniers, the US has withdrew from Paris Agreement.

Down south, in Brazil, the populist President has vowed to make the Amazon rain forests into farm lands. With the deforestation, we would lose so flora & fauna. Not to ignore the huge number of trees which are converting the CO2.

What’s wrong with us?

The Approach is wrong with us. We are asking the nations to understand the impending calamity and act against it together. Its analogous to asking the entire village to work together for a common good. Isn’t it sounds socialistic?

Socialism works when you have a strong leader, more like a dictator. Unfortunately, there is no strong leader to lead the agenda. Also, since the end of great war in 1945, there are no common cause for the world.

How we can change the approach?

We have been accustomed to capitalistic values in last several decades. So, to rally the entire species on a an agenda, you would need a money-factor. There should be a global bank formed to sponsor the battle against the climate change. And also, penalises the nations that contributes to the Climate changes.

Who should pay what?

It’s absurd to expect a developing nation to invest huge sum in exploring renewable source. The developed nations should contribute the resource both financial & research and exploration. This can be only synergy towards the greater good. The argument should not be us vs them rather it should be we. If not we work together there is no way to avert this calamity.

Are we ready to work together, yet?

No. We are intrinsically fed with dont-repair-if-its-not-broken attitude. We would have more concrete action plans only if something drastic happens.

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Page last updated on: 2025-01-17 00:23:28 +0530 +0530
Git commit: 734c6b0

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