The 2010s - Part 2

This is 2nd installment of the story. I’m trying to arrange beautiful photos of the last decade. The photos are all captured by me. The foggy view of training center on a December morning. The first time I had a taste of resort-like place. 2011 - The Training Days The Kevin Mitnick replied and followed me, after a tweet about Ghost in the Wires Kevin Mitnick follows me This was one only outreach programme that I took part in.

The 2010s - Part 1

The 2010’s was my 20’s. I was in the middle of under graduate course when the decade begun. An average engineering graduate who doesn’t know what engineering really was or what’s the future is offering. The end of year marks the recruitment to my current employer. Yes right, I’m with the employer for almost a decade. IIRC 13k was my 1st my first salary. Couldn’t recall how I spent it, guess gave it to my mom.

The Guinea Pig Generation

The generation born between 1985-95 has more or less seen the technology evolution from the fron seat. The advent of internet, landline giving up its place to mobile phones, more desk jobs than the labour intensive work. Through this journey, the lifestyle got altered to a large extent. Some of the changes are just an improvemnt to our life, while some or controversial in nature. I call them controversial as harmful effects are neither proved nor denied by scientific community.

PyConIndia 2019

My primary source of Python and Python related news was/is Python podcast, since 2016. In 2018, I came to know about Pycon taking place in Cleveland, OH. Dan Bader’s vlog on PyCon ‘18 was another pull factor towards the PyCon. Due to the ticket pricing I couldn’t make it to it. In H2 of 2018, I returned to India, and was looking forward to attend PyConIndia, which should be affordable.

Oxidation 2 - Variables, Shadowing

Variables In Python, the variables are assigned with the type based on the content. string_variable = 'some text' int_variable = 33 print(type(string_variable), type(int_variable)) And, these variables are allowed to change in a program. In Rust, the variables can either be mutable or immutable. By default, the variables are immutable. Mutable - Values are allowed to change Immutable - Values are not allowed to change fn main(){letdefault_variable=2;println!("The value in default_variable is {}",{default_variable});default_variable=3;//Here, the code will fail.

Oxidation 1 - Cargo, Rustdoc

What is rustup, rustc & rustdoc ? rustup- Used to update the latest Rust version. rustc - Used to compile rust source code. rustdoc - Rust documentation is generated from this command. This can generate documentation from markdown files. Also, it show the Rustbook opens in browser when called as rustup docs Project initialization After installing Rust, we should initialize a project using Cargo cargo init project_path - This will create a project folder of below file structure.

What makes Rust interesting?

Podcasts. That’s how I got introduced to the Rust language. In one of the PythonBytes episode I heard about the PyOxidizer for the first time. Basically, it uses Rust to bundle Python code into an executable code. There is already quite a number of modules to convert code into an executable file. According to Michael Kennedy, the Git repo is so active, that made me to explore what the PyOxidizer is made of.

Yes, humanity exists

The social media is made of several bubbles. The bubbles, each of us build around us, with like minded people. With the bubble is well constructed, we live and slowly start believing it is the reflection of the actual world. This is what happened to me in recent times. There is some negative news keep getting shared to me via whatsapp, twitter or facebook. The negativity comes in the form of political corruption to pedophilia.

Podcast listening 101

Podcast is a audio show, could be anythingranging from interviews to discussions to story telling. The Podcasts became a thing with the iPods. Even the term itself derived from the Apple’s gadget. Off late, with the arrival of 3rd party apps, more people from Android are attracted, along with the Apple users. In Apple, iTunes enables us to listen to Podcast. Google released their own app very recently and the customization is very limited.

Fight against Climate Change is not getting traction - Why?

We all know the Climate change is real and happening now. This is a threat to the Human species. Yes, it’s a threat to the species not the entire planet. Why not we as a species cannot survive this? The nature will adapt to the changes. But, the new earth will no way close to the one we have now. Also, we got deviated from the natural evolution. Our life became sophisticated, without the necessary infrastructure we will kill ourself in the name of depression.