Are you envious of younger generation?

Good if you felt envious

Scene 1: During school days Teacher : Why didn’t you finish your homework? Student : We experienced powercut all through the evening. And so, the home T : Don’t say unnecessary reason in your age we were reading under the street lamp. Scene 2: During college days College student : I need a bike to commute to college. Parent : In your age we were walking n Kilometers to catch the government bus to college, your generation needs private vehicles at this young age?

Project Update - 1

git init pf-dashboard

Everyone of us think(or worry) about future, especially in 30s. Likewise, I worry about financial stability of my future. The retirement comes top of the list among the various worries. And so, I started investement. The investment includes various vahicles - Mutual fund, stocks and fixed components. Investing is a beast; tracking the investment is like taming the beast. For tracking the progress there are (literally) endless apps coming into to market.

Migrated to blogdown

Migrated - but why?

I was using Hugo for static site generation with Beautiful Hugo as a theme. The theme is known for its balancing act between simplicity and proseness for a blog. With Hugo its a fast act to creating and publishing the contents. It was all good until I wanted to embed a HTML page. iFrame is always there but including the charts, especially interactive ones generated as HTML is tough to embed in the post (at least for me).

What if: Google suspends your account?

Could happen to anyone

You’re waking up to your alarm. On turning the alarm off you notice there is some error notification, but you casually swipe it away to get started on the day. While you’re commuting to your office you notice the Whatsapp backup ran into some error, now you ignore it as it’s not something important. During your tea-break in office you are opening Google Photos to look at your child’s memories. Just like earlier notifications Googl Photos too throw some error at you, now you can’t able to download the backed-up photos.

How much Income Tax Are We Paying?

Income tax calculation through New Regime

During the last months of every financial year, there is a tradition, a custom to keep ourselves sane - ranting on tax that we suffered through the year, and any returns we can expect from the taxmen. In one of the ranting sessions, we had an interesting conversation. How much tax are we paying?. What is so interesting? The tax must be either 25% (new regime) or 30% (old regime).

Hugo Site Deployment Using Github Actions

Setting up the site through GH Actions

This is a small write up about setting up GitHub Actions to deploy Hugo site. Table of content How I was deploying it earlier? What was the problem there? How does the GitHub Actions helps us here? How I was deploying it earlier? I used to have 2 commits for any changes. Changes to the posts HTML documents generated through hugo command What was the problem there?

Cross compatibility is key

Understanding the nuances that differs across the environments is underrated

When my kid was on a mattress, she was hesitant to move around. Later on, with the comfort of the soft surface, she was rolling around without caring about her head getting hurt or gravity. Everything got changed when we let her crawl on the hard surface in the living room. She was getting hurt quite frequently - sometimes stepping on a toy, or hard landing on her head while rolling on the floor, or simply butting on something at her head level.

Yet another tech CEO of Indian origin

What does it mean to us, Indians

From co-founder to CEO, Jack Dorsey was carrying Twitter’s identity for sometime now. He is not without controversies. Twitter and Facebook came to prominence on somewhat same time. Yet, Facebook became a cash-rich poster boy among the social media, Twitter lagging behind Facebook, unclear how to monetize the Twitter as a product. As a CEO, he was blamed for being CEO on Square and not concentrating on Twitter. + Fun fact: Argawal joins the growing ranks of powerful US tech executives of Indian descent.

A backend dev's journey into JS world - Part I

Why JS? And, what's the plan?

I use SQL and Python to earn my bread. Being an ETL developer turned Data Engineer, my work is to fetch data from different sources, cleaning it, and making it consumption ready before storing it in some storage space - database, S3 et al. It’s amusing to know that someone will be consuming this data and pull insights from it like a magician pulling a rabbit off his hat. The reporting tools were the go-to place to churn these processed data.

Power of Open Data

The need for opening up the data

Amidst the pandemic, tracking the daily case numbers from the government bulletin became a habit for us. For a small circle of friends involving 3-4 guys, it’s a routine to dissect the numbers and get meaning from the case number. The distance between the decision-makers and us is more than the distance between Moon and Earth. Yet, we discuss as if to guide the entire state. The discussions usually raise some questions on the back story about the rise or fall of numbers.