

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. - Sir Isaac Newton

I started using static site after seeing Anjana Vakil’s Github page.

Thanks to Krace Kumar. Design is inspired by his site.

For helping out with blogging or any such queries at any time of the day - Chaitanya.

Ruddra for the Github actions guide.

Michele Scipioni’s article on installing for showing the method (iFrame) to use HTML inside another HTML page.

NowNowNow is the reason behind the /now page.

Tools used for building and running the site

  • VS Code - Configuring and setting up the site

  • MarkText - Writing in Markdown with its unique WYSIWYG UI

  • Notion - Tracking and publish blog

  • RStudio for building rmd files and charts

The countless open source contributors wihtout whom this is not at all possible.

Here is the current technolgy behind the site.

Static site generatorHugo with theme - Beautiful Hugo
HostingGithub Pages
Markdown parserBlogdown
AnalyticsGoat counter
ChartingRmd + ggplot + plotly

Page source

Page last updated on: 2025-01-17 00:23:28 +0530 +0530
Git commit: 734c6b0