Oxidation 2 - Variables, Shadowing

Variables In Python, the variables are assigned with the type based on the content. string_variable = 'some text' int_variable = 33 print(type(string_variable), type(int_variable)) And, these variables are allowed to change in a program. In Rust, the variables can either be mutable or immutable. By default, the variables are immutable. Mutable - Values are allowed to change Immutable - Values are not allowed to change fn main(){letdefault_variable=2;println!("The value in default_variable is {}",{default_variable});default_variable=3;//Here, the code will fail.

Oxidation 1 - Cargo, Rustdoc

What is rustup, rustc & rustdoc ? rustup- Used to update the latest Rust version. rustc filename.rs - Used to compile rust source code. rustdoc - Rust documentation is generated from this command. This can generate documentation from markdown files. Also, it show the Rustbook opens in browser when called as rustup docs Project initialization After installing Rust, we should initialize a project using Cargo cargo init project_path - This will create a project folder of below file structure.

What makes Rust interesting?

Podcasts. That’s how I got introduced to the Rust language. In one of the PythonBytes episode I heard about the PyOxidizer for the first time. Basically, it uses Rust to bundle Python code into an executable code. There is already quite a number of modules to convert code into an executable file. According to Michael Kennedy, the Git repo is so active, that made me to explore what the PyOxidizer is made of.