Over-confidence is the safety risk

Checklist could help us

Few years ago, I was working in a Chennai, 500 KM away from Coimbatore, where my family resides. The usual trip between the cities is on long weekends, so does the large crowd settled in Singara Chennai. With a huge crowd looking to travel back on long weekends, reserving a seat was not easiest thing to do. I booked my ticket a week back and in relaxed manner went to boarding point.

How I'm planning to get started on Deep Learning?

Learnings from Meta Learning: How To Learn Deep Learning And Thrive In The Digital World

This post is to describe how I find the book Meta Learning: How To Learn Deep Learning And Thrive In The Digital World is giving me a hope and road map to learn Deep Learning. Not only learning DL and also where to go from there viz Kaggle. Who am I? I’m part of Data landscape for more than a decade now. I started as ETL developer, then evolved into Data Engineer.

Event Update: M2W Conclave 2.0

A gathering around முதலீட்டுக்களம்

Intro This is about an event or a gathering around the theme of personal finance. The crowd gathered is through the Youtube channel - Muthaleetukalam (முதலீட்டுக்களம்) translates to ‘Investment sector’, thanks Google. This is coordinated by iThought Wealth’s Shyam Shekhar through his milestones2wealth, a portal to make Making Small Investors THINK BIG!. div.rightBox { position: absolute; right: 0; width: 230px; height: 250px; border: 3px solid grey; } My PoV I started following the channel during the lockdown, just like million other self-proclaimed investors.

Event Update: Consecration

aka குடமுழுக்கு, கும்பாபிஷேகம்

I’m in the midway between an atheist, agnostic and a religious person. My particiaption in events based out of religious tradition, is almost always doubtful. Yet, I was part of this community gathering, and I’m going to cover the event. When a temple gets built, it deserves sequence of rituals that adds spiritual and religious power to the deity living in the temple. As it is a belief based system, logical questioing doesn’t end well.

My Prayer

What do I pray for?

To start with I’m not a religious person. Meaning I don’t strictly follow the religious activities, I do constantly question the practises. I don’t know whether I’m an atheist or an agnostic. But I do believe there could be some powerful entity. Could be a god, family of gods or nature. When I was living abroad for the work purpose, I need a social interaction. That made me to visit temple every week, almost.

Analog Clock

Built with ♥ using D3

First we started with a circle. The dial is composed of a bigger circle and a smaller one - a center point. With the dial is in place, next step is to add arms of the clock. The end result should have 3 arms - depicting hours, minutes and seconds. To have quicker feedback we started with seconds arm. Drawing the radius solves the initial position of seconds arm.

Investing in real estates

Why I don't prefer it?

This is a write up on my thoughts abour real estate as investment. The real estate implies plot as well as the home. To describe my disinterest towards RE, first we should see how the system works with respect to RE. To make it clear I’m not talking about REITs. This is entirely unregulated space. Meaning, there is no check and balance to help the consumers. With no regulations, the black money is very very common.

Learnings from working with external teams

With the recent change in the role from data engineer to lead data engineer, I’m regularly interacting with different teams, both upstream and downstream. It had become routine to have meetings with the counterparties to understand their difficulties. After all, we are a tree but a part of a forest. Diversity factor It might annoy us to hear about diversity from the MNCs again and again. However, for the proper functioning of the organization, it is essential to have associates from various backgrounds.

Reflections on recent changes in work place

What I'm lacking; how to improve

The last few weeks have been tough. The problem seems to originate from all three avenues: life, work, and the social circle. My child is demanding that I play with her more regularly and for more time. By size, my social circle is small. I feel the size further shrinks due to my inability to speak or interact with my close friends. Even though the friends usually accept the fact that life is getting busier, the crack appears nonetheless.

Tax and Death

.. and migration

.. in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes &mdash Benjamin Franklin[1] Tax I came across a meme - Tax is a subscription fee to the state we live in. In a way the statement is true. You owe some money to the land where you live. Most of the countries collect it income tax, some countries do survive without collecting income tax[2].